SOJ Relocation

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Spirit of Joy relocating?

Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church and Ramona United Methodist Church unanimously voted to grow together through the sharing of resources including space, technology, music, social ministry and more.

Is the ELCA and both congregations in support of this relocation?

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the United Methodist Church(UMC) voted in 2009 to adopt a full communion relationship nationwide. Since then,ministries from both denominations across the country have discussed how they can exploreworking better together. In June 2024, both congregations of Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church and Ramona United Methodist Church voted unanimously to share resources to grow together while maintaining their unique congregational identity. This summer Ramona will begin to see the results of working together to spread the word of Christ for the greater good through the combined efforts of mission and ministry and the sharing of resources.

What does Spirit of Joy hope to gain?

As the church continues to make plans to relocate Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church looks forward with grateful hearts to meeting new friends and growing both our congregations together in this collaborative relationship that will lead to healthy growth and the expanded ministry of God’s work here in Ramona.

Is our identity or name changing?

No. Both churches will keep their name, logo, and religious practices according to their denomination. Spirit of Joy will continue to be a member congregation of the Pacifica Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Currently we are also looking into the permit process for adding our SOJ signage at the new location to maintain ongoing visibility in the community

Will funds be co-mingled?

No. SOJ will pay a manageable monthly licensee fee to Ramona United Methodist Church. All donations will be kept separate between the churches.

When will the move take place?

During July 2024 members of the church will begin preparing to make plans for a move at the end of the month.


When will the first worship service be held at Ramona United Methodist Church?

The first service will be a joint service with both congregations worshipping together to

be held on July 28 th at 9:45 a.m the current weekly worship time for Ramona United

Methodist Church. The first Lutheran service will be held on August 4 th at 11 a.m. Each

Sunday after that the Lutheran service will be at 11 a.m. Occasionally for special events

and celebrations there will be a joint service with both congregations worshipping


What programs will continue?

Most programs you have grown to love will continue including Prayers & Squares, HomeStudy and Bible Study Groups, Sunday School, Social Ministry, Childcare during Worship Service, Choir and Music programs and more. We hope to develop these programs further by inviting our friends at Ramona United Methodist Church to share in these joint service efforts, fellowship experiences and learning opportunities.

Will any staff lose their job?

No. We will continue to have an Interim Pastor, Music Director, Administrative Part Time Staff, and Youth Director (Sunday School, Youth, Babysitting). Volunteers will continue in their roles.

How can members of the church help?

Volunteer. Worship in person or online. Invite people to worship with you in person. Give your time in service and financial support.